潮州金滨陶瓷厂是位于闻名中外的“南国瓷都”——潮州,是一家专业生产陶瓷园林花盆厂家,是一家集生产,销售,服务的专业工艺陶瓷厂,我们的产品以中温色釉花盆为主。 十几年以来,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。我们以“顾客至上,诚信经营”的理念为宗旨。 潮州金滨陶瓷厂的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。产品远销全国各地,以及中东地区,深受消费者欢迎和好评。品质优良,誉满全国各地,欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。 Chaozhou Jinbin Porcelain Co.,LTD. is located in Chaozhou, the well-known Porcelain Production center in China.It specials in manufacturing of porcelain garden flowerpot, and extens its business scope from manuf-acturing to selling ,service.Our main production is medium temperature and colourd glaze flowerpot. For several years. it has formed into a comleted and scientific quality mangement system. Persiisting to t-he principle of "Customers First and Integrity Management." It is an great honour to be certify to be integrity, strength and good quality be all industry.Our products are sold in all parts of China and well appreciated by their purchasers.It has excellent quality, good reputati-on over the country, orders are welcome. |